Raising women that can positively impact society

We aim to empower young girls from primary, secondary to tertiary education level by assisting them with financial, educational and other resources.

inde-woman hero image
Inde Education
Educating and financial support
Inde Woman Mental Health
Mental health support
Inde Woman Financial Training
Financial literacy training
Inde Woman Computer Training
Computer Training

What We Do

About Us

Our Story

Our organization started from a conversation on the reason for the high dropout rates by girls in Malawi. According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), only 25% of the girls that start primary school finishes their studies while an estimated 60% drop out.
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Inde story 3
Our organization hopes to provide support by addressing the challenges that cause high dropout rates such as:
Lack of funds
Stereotypical gender roles
Lack of role models and mentors from a young age
Menstruation and period poverty
our Impact

Our Journey So Far

Inde Woman Computer Training
Trained in Computer Skills
Supported with school fees
Supported with uniforms and stationery
Supported with sanitary pads
Support our activities